
New Feature! Ethics Corner

By Kelly Foley posted 03-26-2021 16:54


AAPC is committed to the ethical participation in American Democracy and the running of ethical campaigns. All members of the AAPC and our award recipients are expected to abide by the AAPC Code of Ethics. Further, the AAPC believes all political consultants and campaigns should behave in an ethical manner. To encourage our members to embrace and reflect on ethics in our profession, we’re excited to launch a brand new discussion series of questions and answers on ethics. Read on for our first dilemmas (our thoughts are below) and let us know what you think in the comments below.

*Note while many legal issues are referenced here, this should not be construed as legal advice and consultants and campaigns are urged to seek their own legal and compliance advice.


Situation 1:

You are sitting on an airplane when you realize the people sitting behind you are a consultant and campaign staff for an opponent's campaign. They are discussing important strategic information. Do you listen and use this information? Yes or No?


Situation 2:

After a meeting with potential finance committee members, your candidate’s husband receives a package from one of the attendees, and inside is a beautiful and clearly expensive jacket. You understand this type of gift is typical in the culture of the business owner and to return it would be a great insult, and besides, it was to the husband, not the candidate. The candidate’s husband says he wants to accept it and donate it to a charity auction and no one will be the wiser. Your fundraiser says you will lose $100K in contributions if it is refused. Do you accept the gift? Yes or No?

AAPC's Situation Reflections:


Situation 1 AAPC Reflection: There is nothing unethical about hearing something is a public place. However, the temptation to listen in on private conversations can lead one to cross the line into unethical or illegal activity. No one should ever misrepresent themselves or use technology to listen into a private conversation. Not only is it unethical, it could involve legal risks.


Situation 2 AAPC Reflection: Many office holders and even campaigns are regulated by gift rules and limits on the value of gifts accepted. Gift rules usually include family and sometimes staff. You cannot ignore those rules, even out of politeness. In some areas, accepting a gift must be reported, even if it is later donated. Consultants should ensure that campaign staff and family members are educated and that the campaign engages in due diligence and reporting.

